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Introduce your project

At Misti, we believe in balancing success with sustainability, past with future, and dependability with innovation.

A Misti welder is welding.

We proudly present some of our statistics

With our extensive experience and expertise, we have successfully completed numerous projects for a wide range of satisfied clients.


Cranes built and installed


Spud poles installed


Satisfied customers


Passionate employees


236 combined years of experience among our passionated team


Misti is known for its durable products where easy oeration and maintanance has been elevated to an art.

Fast response

Fast response service is essential in inland shipping. without service there is no product. Always ready, 24/7.

Inspect our cranes in 3D, AR or VR

With +40 years of experience, Misti is a specialist in the field of ship cranes.

Type NT

Most characteristic as Misti crane.

Type NNT

Our characteristic Misti crane equipped with double extendable boom.

Type OTV

Our OTV is the standard crane type with a clever Misti design.

Type DK

Our DK series is particularly compact and robust for various uses.

Type BU

The Bunker boom series is specifically designed for transferring liquids.

Let's discuss your requirements

The whole Misti team together in the Misti warehouse.